Thursday 5 September 2013

A sadness

I'm sure many of you already know that peanuts can contain a fungus which produces toxins which can cause cancer.  Somehow I'd got through life without becoming aware of this fact and have been consuming my regular breakfasts of plantain and peanut butter in blissful ignorance. Last week a friend broke my happy state with the information that she no longer buys the delicious locally made peanut butter because of the risks.  A few years ago one of the high school biology classes tested peanut products from all around Jos and discovered that just about all of them were contaminated with the fungus so, after dutifully doing my research online, out goes my newly bought jar of peanut butter as I rack my brains for to what to replace it with.  I made soybean butter today but it just desn't taste the same. Once the electricity comes back on and I can use the blender I might try sesame seed butter but I'm not at all convinced I'll find a suitable substitute.  Of course peanut butter made in factories in the UK is tested for this fungus so should be fine.  Guess what's going on my list of things to bring back next time.

On a happier note I have two baby rhubarb plants in the garden.  I didn't realise rhubarb could be grown from seed and out of a whole packet only these two have survived but I'm as excited about them as any of the more exotic things growing in my garden.  The day they're big enough to be turned into rhubarb crumble will be a day of celebration indeed.

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