Friday 8 June 2012

Moving Day

Today we move out of the house we've lived in for 15 years and nobody slept in their own room on our final night.  Perhaps that'll help break the ties but it felt like musical beds.
It's 5:45am and I've just finished what will probably be the first of many cups of coffee today.  At 3am I was hanging out the washing; now the rain's coming down so whatever good that did is undone.  At 4am I was cleaning the bathroom, cupboard and all.  Now I'm at a loose end as I don't think I'd be very popular if I went to strip the beds whilst the rest of the family were still sleeping in them.  I can't even do any last bits of packing as the places I need to be are occupied by children who seem to think it's OK to sleep beyond 4 o'clock in the morning (yes, I remember their younger days when that wasn't a problem and usually I'm very grateful for it).  I don't really know what sleep is at the moment - there've been too many things to do whizzing around my mind but I hope that'll end tonight as it'll all be done.  Our friends will be on their well-deserved holiday in Harris and Fraser, James, Ruth and I will be installed with so many boxes and pieces of luggage in their lovely house on the Black Isle.  Roll on our celebratory pizzas.

People on our newsletter e-mailing list will already have heard about our idea for a prayer group that meets via a Skype non-video call.  It would be much more flexible than a traditional meeting as regards timing and geographical position of participants although I appreciate it'll take a bit of getting used to. If anyone else is interested do let us know and if possible give a rough idea of what time of day would suit.  It need only be a monthly commitment but would provide us with much needed prayer support.

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