The heart of God is love.
Because he loves mankind he sent his only Son to die for us so that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Unfortunately the words and actions of many who call themselves followers of Jesus do not reflect this love and often send out a message of exclusion and intolerance instead. InReach is an attempt to get Christians to start examining Jesus' call upon their lives, attitudes and actions. How can the love of God be shown in the community, especially communities around Jos which have been torn apart by violence and where hatred and fear are more apparent than love and trust? How would these neighbourhoods be changed if all who called themselves followers of Christ displayed his love actively and indiscriminately?
We are taking lessons learned from BRICC (Building Relationships In City Centre: to develop a six week programme aimed at getting Christians to start asking questions and considering what they can do; what God wants them to do. Our pioneers are a group of five students at JETS Bible college but we hope the message will spread and the face of Nigeria will be changed.
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