Thursday, 31 January 2013



Just a few photos taken from our garden.

My ambition is to take better pictures of birds, butterflies and lizards but they just won't stay still.  Flowers are much more co-operative.
The lizard that lives in the water tower

Cashew nuts growing
The cashew apple is a most peculiar fruit.  When you cut into it it strongly smells of perfumed apple, a bit like an excessive mackintosh red.  When you bite it nearly all the moisture in your mouth is immediately sucked away in a rather disconcerting fashion.  It's definitely an acquired taste and one I may not have a chance to get as most of the fruits are being devoured by a voracious and efficient flock of long-tailed birds.  All they leave behind are the greenish-grey nuts lying on the ground below the tree. I'll have to see what I can do with those instead.
Cashew fruits

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