Monday 22 July 2013

When I was at university my friends often thought my inspired ideas were, shall we say, somewhat impractical.  To me they were common sense but perhaps my sense was on an alternative wavelength.  It's been a delight to me in these past few days to have my good ideas appreciated by people in Nigeria.  Does this mean I'm actually getting more practical in my old age or is the rest of the world catching up?
In Nigeria you usually find that a fruit stall sells fruit, a vegetable stall sells vegetables and seldom are the two combined.  Admittedly mainly for my own convenience but also because it should help her business, I asked a fruit seller I like why she didn't start selling vegetables as well?  "That is a good idea," she said.  She's been admiring the wicker basket I bring to avoid the ubiquitous plastic bags so we decided that she should buy some herself and make up gift baskets to sell as well.  Today a shop in Rayfield, tomorrow the world!

My next gratifying experience was at BRICC this morning.  Monday is the sports co-ordinator who liases with the BRICC Unity Fitness Centre (UFC) in Jos.  He was talking about how difficult it is to get people to go, despite the fact that Baba who runs it was once coach to one of the Nigerian national sports teams and has a good selection of gym machines.  Christians are very wary of going to that particular area of town.  They have the idea in their heads that it's too dangerous for them.  Such ideas are very hard to remove but have to be overcome if lasting peace and relationships are to be rebuilt in Jos.  The limits people set on themselves are the most durable.  As Monday said, he regularly goes to the UFC without any trouble with security.  He has the Great Security Man with him and doesn't need to be concerned but wishes he could convey that to others.  My simple idea was to gather a small group of Christians and Muslims and take them on a BRICC trip to UFC.  "I hadn't thought of that.  It's a very good idea, I'll do it next week," Monday told me.  It's a wonderful feeling to be a channel of encouragement and such fun.

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