Wednesday, 14 November 2012


View from the school
This morning we had an even earlier start than usual as James had been asked to play his bagpipes at 7:30am at the school run by the Mashaiah Foundation (where women, children and orphans affected by HIV/AIDS are supported).  The school had been reading a book featuring a Scottish boy who wore a kilt and played the pipes so Mary Beth Oyebado took the initiative and invited James to demonstrate.

Waiting for the pipes

At 7:20 we arrived to find most of the children enthusiastically singing whilst they waited.  Their volume easily rivalled that of the bagpipes but even so a few still put hands over their ears when James started to play (his playing was actually very good).  I sat there proudly and somewhat moved as the sounds of Scotland rang out over Jos and seconded the shout of "Yes" from the children when asked if they wanted to hear more.

James asked me not to post a photo of him actually playing so here's one of Ruth in her outfit for the school Crazy Dress Up party last week.

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