Wednesday 7 March 2012

More Info

 I thought I'd post some extracts from a booklet we put together which gives a few more reasons about why we're going out to Nigeria. Many people have already seen it but if you haven't  I hope you find it interesting.

Dawn & Fraser,
James & Ruth Jackson
Moving to Jos, Nigeria to work with
& help build up the Church in Nigeria.
Will you join our team?

“The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few”  (Matthew 9:38)

Many Nigerians are hungry for the Word of God.

Their pastors & church leaders long to receive good teaching themselves so they can teach their congregations.

False teaching can so easily take hold if the church leaders do not have access to Bibles & good explanatory theological textbooks.

The best people to reach Nigerians are Nigerians who are rooted and grounded in God’s love.

We all have the joy and privilege of participating in Jesus’ Great Commission.

Why us?
·        We have been blessed with a good education & the knowledge of God’s love from early in our lives.

·        God called us to use the skills & talents he has given us to help build up his Church in Africa.

·        It’s a privilege to be part of God’s plan for sharing his love with others.

How can Fraser make a difference?

Fraser’s job as Librarian at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN) will enable him to assist students in finding the best books to help with their studies when they need them.

His experience in working with the University of the Highlands and Islands as well as at Highland Theological College has enabled him to make good contacts in the world of academic libraries which will help TCNN provide a better library service to their students.

These students will return to their communities & congregations better equipped to teach the Word of God & show his love in the way that they live.

How can Dawn make a difference?

Dawn will be involved in editing work at Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) where she will be helping to support authors & publish books for the African Church written by Africans & addressing the needs of their nations.
She will also spend some time in compassionate ministry, as well as supporting James & Ruth in their school activities.

How can you make a difference?

God may not be calling you to Africa but you can still play an important part in his plans there.

God will provide all that we need to work for him but we need a team.

No Christian believer is exempt from God’s call – we are goers, senders, or disobedient.

What part does God want you to play in his great work?

We need people who will be our partners in

·        Praying for us

·        Providing financially for us

·        Encouraging us

Our target……..

To provide for us as a family we need to raise about £20,000 a year.

Each  member trusts God to supply their salary through gifts from churches and friends.

This could work out like this:

·        4 people giving £100 per month

·        12 people giving £50 per month

·        22 people giving £25 per month

·        15 people giving £10 per month

With Gift Aid Mission Africa can reclaim any tax you have paid on your gift.

In Nigeria people are eager to learn about God.

Could you look a Nigerian in the face & explain why you didn’t do what you could to help?

We can’t.



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