Running water and reliable electricity are two of things that make daily life a lot easier. We haven't had mains water since August 28th. For a while we were in a state of hopefulness that work was being done on pipes and that soon the water would flow again. Today we've been told that the reason the water has stopped is that the water board hasn't paid its electricity bill, has been cut off and therefore has no power for its pumps. As we've received only one water bill since we moved to TCNN two years ago this is hardly surprising but it does mean we've lost hope of anything happening soon. Thankfully the rains at this time of year fill our water butts fairly regularly. However, the schools are scheduled to reopen on Monday after being closed as a precaution against ebola and an avoidable water shortage will not help. The first line of defence is hygiene - disinfectant soap and clean water to wash hands: it doesn't look as if this'll come easily.
On a happier note we have additions to our family. In the spirit of community relationships I bought three hens from the man who brings them to the BRICC office on a tray on his head. They now have a donated rabbit hutch and live in a corner of our garden. The dogs think they're the new in-garden entertainment and we've had a couple of eggs already.
InReach is progressing well. As we were waiting to start a new group in Miango we were entertained by the skilful tyre-running of the local children.